About Harry

Harry’s earliest illustration recollections are of filling his primary school projects with lots of colourful drawings, much to the delight of his Adelaide school teachers.
As a 1970s kid, Harry was captivated by the powerful and dramatic illustrations used on model construction kits and how they would transport him to another world of exciting places. Later, in art school, he had the good fortune to learn the same full colour rendering technique that he had once admired from a lecturer.
After several years working in advertising and photography, Harry found himself taking on the challenge of making clients’ ideas come to life through a variety of styles and subjects as an illustrator. This saw him working on projects for the likes of Mercedes Benz, Bridgestone, Mitsubishi, Hardy’s Wines and Wiley.
These days, Harry focuses on nostalgic 1940s and 1950s figurative illustrative styles inspired by artists such as Norman Rockwell, Gil Elvgren and Haddon Sundblom. He’s always drawing, even when he’s not working – often, life drawing for his own pleasure and satisfaction.
If you have a project in mind, feel free to contact Harry and chat about an illustrative solution that works for you.